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BISP Mobile Van Registration Start

People who want to join BISP will be happy to know that the government has started a new service called the BISP mobile van registration. These vans, run by BISP and NADRA, will help register people with disabilities and their families for BISP and issue smart cards from NADRA. This article has all the details, so if you can’t go to the office to register, you can do it from home.

What is BISP Mobile Van 10500 Registration Service?

Many poor families across the country have members with disabilities. They can’t go to the BISP or NADRA offices to register or get their smart cards. So, the government started the mobile registration service to help them. The aim is to register disabled people from poor families for BISP and give them NADRA smart cards, so they can get financial aid without suffering from poverty.

BISP Mobile Van Registration Start

How Does MRV Work?

The mobile registration vans visit different areas every day to register people with disabilities. They help in areas where there are no nearby BISP offices.

In which programs can registration be completed through mobile vans?

You might wonder which BISP programs you can register for using these vans. You can register for any BISP program using them; they work just like registering in an office.

Registration fees

There’s no fee for registering through these vans. If anyone asks for money, you can report them to BISP’s helpline, and legal action will be taken. BISP aims to help the poor, so they don’t charge fees for registration.

What documents are required for registration?

For registration, you need certain documents like your CNIC, proof of income and residence, birth certificates for children, disability certificate if applicable, and other documents requested by BISP.

How can I find the nearest BISP Mobile Van?

You can find the schedule of mobile registration vans on BISP’s website or their social media pages.

Final Words

BISP Kafalat Payment to 10500 Good News in May

The government launched the BISP mobile registration vans to include people with disabilities or those in remote areas in the Benazir Income Support Program. This move is appreciated by many. If you’re eligible and want to register, do it when the vans are in your area.

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